Attendance is very important in our League. SFLL strives to have parity between teams, promote team cohesion, and keep roster sizes small so that all players get substantial playing time. Significant absenteeism makes these objectives unworkable.
Players and their families should understand that a player is expected to attend all practices and games and when that is not possible the following apply:
If a player cannot attend a game, a parent must notify the coach at least 24 hours in advance and 4 hours in advance if a practice is to be missed (or less if there is illness or last minute emergency travel).
Failure to give the coach the proper notice will result in an unexcused absence and a warning to the player by the coach. One more unexcused absence may result in a suspension with any further occurrences leading to expulsion from the League.
Excessive absenteeism or tardiness (even with proper notification) to practices and games also may impact All-Stars eligibility, or warrant suspension or expulsion from the League. Excessive absenteeism would be when a player is late or absent for four consecutive games or practices, or a cumulative total of six events.
A suspension of a player for absenteeism must have the approval of the VP of Player Agents. Expulsion from the League for absenteeism must also have the approval of the President.
By accepting, I express my understanding and intent to enter into the 2024 Attendance Pledge knowingly and voluntarily.